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Ashfield Park Primary

Year 1

Welcome to our Year Group page for Hazel Class. 

Here you will find all of the important information and letters that you need to know this year. Whether you are a child or a parent, this section will have information to help you maximise learning and find out about what is going on, including homework, curriculum details for each year group and wider learning opportunities.

Mrs Stevens 

Phonics Resources

els parent presentation october 2024.pdf


year 1 phonics activities presentation 2020.pdf

recommended phonics activities 2019 2020.pdf

Useful Letters

There are no documents to display at present.

Year 1 Highlights


Welcome to the Spring term! The children have settled in well and they are working hard.  Our link letter will be added to this page soon.





We are having a fun-filled week in year one! We assembled skeletons and sang and danced to The Skeleton Song which links to our Science topic of 'Animals including Humans'. 

You will be receiving a letter tonight requesting 2 animal pictures. Please help your child to find these and send them in labelled as we will be using these early next week. These pictures will then be glued in books so please make sure that they are not too large or precious. 

The children have all taken part in outdoor learning sessions with Miss Williams. These are going really well and the children have been very enthusiastic and keen to learn. 

Next week we will be starting our Literacy unit focusing on Beatrix Potter and in particular The Story of Peter Rabbit. We would really appreciate any books written by Beatrix Potter to share in class. Please make sure all books are labelled for safe return. 


We have had a very productive start to the week! In Literacy we have been exploring the story of The Enormous Turnip through drama, writing and singing. We will be innovating our stories next week!

In Maths we have been learning how to represent numbers in different ways. We have been developing accurate counting strategies and learning how to form letters correctly. 

The children are also working with Miss Williams (our sports apprentice) to develop fine and gross motor skills. We are very excited for PE tomorrow! 


We are very much looking forward to welcoming the children back after a glorious summer break! This week we will be familiarising ourselves with routines in Year 1 and will be beginning to explore our learning topics.

If you have any questions about this year, please don't hesitate to speak to one of the Year 1 team.

Monday - Mrs Andrews and Mrs Mutton

Tuesday - Mrs Andrews and Mrs Mutton

Wednesday - Mrs Andrews and Mrs Mutton/ Mrs Morgan

Thursday - Mrs Andrews and Mrs Morgan

Friday - Mrs Andrews and Mrs Morgan

Our teaching assistants are Mrs Evans, Miss Moore and Mrs Saunders.